Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Yayyyy School is OUT!!!!!! No getting up at 7:00 and NO homework!

       Hey everyone I had such a great break. How was yours? Well hopefully I will here about all my classmates in their blogs. Here are their links if you want to read them. Here is kates Celine's Aubrey's Chase's Zoe's and Alencia's
       So lets get back on topic so the topic is what we did during Christmas break, I'm going to talk about my break. So first my sister came from Maine then my cousin came all the way from Finland. The first couple days we sat around talking and playing kinect (I recommend the game Just Dance 3)and going to the movies. Just being plain lazy :) which is AWESOME. Then after the first 5 days of fun. We packed up for a 8 hour (which turned out to be a ten hour) car ride to Florida. Let me tell you a 10 ride with 5 seats 5 people, the dog and our legs crammed due to the luggage was ... surprisingly fun just VERY uncomfortable. 
This is sorta what it looked like. 

       O.Kate where were we? Ohh ya now I remember well like I said the car ride was very long so we were SO happy to arrive to Florida. Well while we were there we decided to go on a boat ride and thought some dolphins would be nice to meet. But noo the 2 hour boat ride was for nothing all we saw were birds and rich houses!!! We were pretty bummed out about that but the next day we got to go to the beach so that was good for me! Then we made 3 batches of Christmas cookies and they all turned out like dog treats!! ewwww but finally the last batch turned out AMAZING. On Christmas day we had a great meal with or course mash potatoes, my favorite and much more. We decided we couldn't wait to open presents until the morning so we opened all the amazing presents. Then 2 days later extended family came and we had so much fun talking and eating MORE delicious food :P yummy 

       Sadly we had to leave the next day so we repacked and started another long ride back.The next few days we were shopping like crazy for my cousin and my sister since very cold weather was waiting for them!(I'm jelous!) When we said our goodbyes to my cousin we were all tearing up because we won't see him untill June! That day was VERY gloomy! :( escpecialy for my aunt.  
hrytr Sorry couldn't talk very well back there I had 12 grapes in my mouth. It is a tradition from Spain that my family does even though we aren't from Spain. There are tons of traditions like these ...ohh woops sorry I forgot to tell you why I had stuffed 12 grapes in my mouth! Sorry! We do that on New years eve and the 12 grapes are so we have a great 12 months :) We also started a new tradition, to scratch lottery tickets for luck. I can't believe its 2012 yayy new year for changes and fresh, new starts. I love new years eve but my dog sure doesn't he was laying in my mom's lap! Aww poor puppy!

       When a new year comes what do you fill out? A new years resolution of course and you also set goals. My new year resolution was to keep in contact with my old friends but make more new ones. I'd also like to do better in school. Help more around the house. And last but not least do more for others whether its people or animals. I hope you complete your new years resolution before the world ends! JK There is no scientific proof its not true! Don't worry! I hope you had a great christmas break!

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