Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September 11,2001

Hey people of the world, its Rylie blog! Have you guys been listening to the news? No? Well on September 11 of this year it was the 10 anniversery of 4 planes being hijacked and intentionally crashed into the twin towers and 1 into the pentagon.Within 2 hours the 2 towers had fallen down and they were both in flames. There were 4 planes hijacked by 11 terrorists!  
     America did exactly opposite from what the terrorists wanted, every one was there for one another no matter what race you were everyone felt each others pain. The really amazing thing that happened was the passengers on the 4th plane realized what was happening and fighted the terrorists so that the plane wouldn't crash into the white house or the capitol building. They risked their lives to save others! Imagine what bave people they were! To remember them their are walls infront of where their plane landed that has everyones name carved into them.
         The event not only struck America but it was a warning to the world that anything can happen and you may not expect it. This attack of course changed America, and the families of all the people who died. I hope that when America looks back and sees the brave people who wittnessed 9/11,they looks up to them! Also, remember the people who performed heroic acts!I think we should have a holiday in memory of 9/11 to really take time to reconize the terrible event and what the people went through. Thanks for listening!! bye! This is where the buildings once stood and is now Ground Zero, a memorial for all the people who died on September 11th 2001. 

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