Sunday, April 15, 2012

Muttation! AH!

       OMG that muttation is so creepy! Sorry just watching The Hunger Games (AKA the best movie ever!), if you haven't seen it, then I recommend it and you haven't lived.  

       No, this blog isn't going to be about the Hunger Games movie (sadly). The word is just similar... we are going to be talking about mutation. A DNA mutation is a change in the nucleotide sequence of a gene. So the genes aren't normal, they are altered or different. 

       So how does a mutation occur? Well, a mutation happens when something goes wrong in the cell division. Then, most of the time the cell fixes it before it divides. But if the problem isn't fixed then the mutation can spread. 

        NO!!! How could she die? ....... Oh sorry just watching a terrible version of The Hulk. Have you ever wondered if you could be a super hero if you were exposed to a lot of radiation or something? Well, I did when I was little. Sorry to tell you that that can't happen in real life, only on T.V. Being exposed to radiation does cause mutations but probably not the best ones, harmful ones. 

       Mutations cause a lot of syndromes and disorders like down syndrome. Down syndrome, in most people is when they have an extra chromosome. Down Syndrome   Another mutation is sickle cell anemia, sickle cell is when the red blood cell are shaped differently and it causes really bad pain. Its a genetic blood disease, meaning if your parents have it, you most likely have it too.


       Autism is another mutation. Autism is when kids can't communicate well with other people. But, what makes autism different is that no one knows what causes it, its a scary mystery and over the years the number of kids that have it has increased. 

       Thanks so much for reading it! Hope you liked it!
But I can't leave you without links, now can I?
You..... Yes you



  1. Hey Rylie! I think I saw only one mistake with an unfinished sentence. Also I would recommend not saying "Oh sorry I was just watching the Hunger Games." And then two paragraphs later "Oh sorry I was just watching the Hulk." Either one or the other or "Have you ever seen the hulk?" Other than that good job!

  2. Hey Rylie good job! I think you could have out a little more info on the 3 different types of mutation though. Otherwise, good blog.

  3. I agree with Aubrey. Haha it was like "Down syndrome is when people have an extra chromosome. Down Syndrome." So it was like you were pausing for dramatic effect! I can't complain on the length because mine was just as short. So good job! YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY AS WELL!

  4. Thanks yea I'll try to improve! But thnx for the constructive criticism! :D Yea U ALL HAVE A GREAT DAY! (thnx Celine)
